Eco-Friendly Concrete Stain - Eco-Stain

Eco-stain is a water based, penetrating micronized pigment. This stain will replicate the same look as acid stains, but with less complications. Eco-Stain is a zero VOC, water based penetrating concrete stain, which is an exciting alternative to typical reactive acid stains. There are no acids or harmful chemicals integrated in its design. Since no chemical reaction takes place, there is no extended waiting time for color to reach full development.

Eco-Stain helps contribute to LEED points through its zero VOC nature and by requiring zero waste water in its application, as there there is no need for neutralization, cleanup, or mopping as seen in typical reactive acid stain applications. Eco-Stain saves time on the job with no rinsing, no mopping, no neutralizing, and no residue. Typical applications for Eco-Stain are cementitious floors, walls, ceilings, countertops, wall panels, architectural elements, and retaining walls in both residential and commercial applications. Cement substitutes will not affect Eco-Stain color, unlike reactive acid stains that are dependent upon alkalinity to create a chemical reaction.

  • No Rinsing
  • No Mopping
  • No Neutralization
  • No Residue
  • UV Stable
  • Save hours in time

Application of Eco-Stains is easy and can be done with by a variety of methods including, pump up spray with a wand, brushed, rolled, sponged on, and compressed air application using HVLP systems (High Volume Low Pressure). Eco-Stain application is easier than Acid products, as drips and streaks are easily cleaned up with a damp sponge. Once the Eco-Stain dries, it is ready to seal as no neutralizing or cleaning are required.

Eco-Stains in blues and greens will not spot black in the presence of moisture and are UV stable. Eco-Stain penetrates the inherent porosity of cementitious products to produce color. Color may be “built up” without the worry of spending all the alkalinity, as with acid stain.

Eco-Stain saves time on the job with no rinsing, no mopping, no neutralizing, and no residue. Typical applications for Eco-Stain are cementitious floors, walls, ceilings, countertops, wall panels, architectural elements, and retaining walls in both residential and commercial applications. Eco-Stain has less mess, easy to use, plenty of application options and it is easily manipulated and accented with colour, making your design options endless.

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